Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey Association HOW TO VOLUNTEER, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Mar 10, 2019 | Stephen Ballard | 651 views
Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey Association HOW TO VOLUNTEER
The SSMHA has over 500 players and approximately 100 volunteers helping to coach, act as trainers and managers, and serving on the executive committee. We could not have all these kids on the ice without our amazing volunteers.

How can you help out ?

All SSMHA volunteer positions require the following courses, costs of which are reimbursed by the SSMHA:

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders “RISL” (online,, ~3 h, cost is $30+HST)

Gender Identity and Expression course “GI” (online,, ~2 h, no cost)

Volunteers who take gate fees, run the clock, or do the score sheet are not required to do these courses.

Executive Committee includes: President, Secretary, Treasurer, 1st VP of Rep, 2nd VP of Local League, 3rd VP of Girls’ Hockey, Director of Novice and Under, Public Relations, Registrar, Scheduler, Tournaments, Fundraising/Sponsorship.There are also 3 positions that report to the Executive: Equipment, Jerseys/Trophies, Development.

Apart from regular work for their positions, the Executive meets monthly and makes decisions about policy and procedures. Positions are generally held for a 2-year term and are elected as follows:

Odd years – Rep VP, Girls VP, Secretary, Scheduler, Tournaments, Sponsorship

Even years – President, LL VP, Registrar, PR, Novice and Under, Treasurer

Bench Staff, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Trainers, and Managers are the only volunteers allowed on the ice or on the bench. These volunteers are listed on the team with the OMHA and must have proper qualifications. Maximum 5 bench staff/team.Coach/Assistant plans and carries out all practices, communicates with families, strives to ensure that players advance in hockey skills, skating skills, life skills, and in having fun. Requires RISL and GI and additional qualifications as listed below. All of these courses have as prerequisite the HU Online Coach 1/2 advance course (online, ~4h, $30+HST reimbursed)All courses can be found at and will be attached to your ehockey ID

Divisions Novice and Under (8 years old and younger) requires Coach 1 – Intro to Coach qualification (in-class and on-ice, ~8 h, cost is $ 150+HST reimbursed)Divisions Atom and Older Local League and Atom Rep requires Coach 2 (in-class and on-ice, ~4 h, cost is $100 +HST reimbursed)

Divisions PeeWee and Older Rep require Development 1 (in-class and on-ice, ~17.5 h over 2 days, cost is $240+HST reimbursed)

Trainer: Job is to ensure the safety of players, volunteers, and spectators. Can help out at practices on ice. Must have the RISL and GI coursesTrainer Level 1 course (online,, ~5-6 h, $85+HST

Manager: Job is to help communicate with families, get volunteers for the clock, score keeping, and gate fees, and help to organize game times with the scheduler.No certifications needed other than RISL and GI.

NOTE - Girls Hockey has the following requirements...

Novice HL - Coach 2 Trained
Novice C - D1 Trained
Atom HL - Coach 2 Trained
Atom C - D1 Trained
PeeWee HL - Coach 2 Trained
PeeWee C - D1 Trained
Bantam HL - Coach 2 Trained
Bantam C - D1 Certified
Midget B - D1 Certified 
