Last day to sign up for FREE Course!, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Feb 28, 2019 | Stephen Ballard | 477 views
Last day to sign up for FREE Course!
Last day to sign up for FREE Course! Skills 1 and Small area games. After tomorrow (March 1st), this course will be opened up to participants outside of Saugeen Shores, and will cost $50.00. Act NOW and you will save the $50.00 as ssmha will pick up the cost.

Hello Coaches and Potential Hockey Coaches, Saugeen Shores minor hockey is offering some continuing development coaching clinics - Skills 1 and Small area games. In order to maintain coaching certification, coaches have to accumulate 20 continuing education points every 5 years. Here is a link to the OMHA continuing education program..…/HOCKEY_CANADA_INSTRUCTIONAL_ST…

SKILLS 1 carries a value of 5 PD credit points and SMALL AREA GAMES carries a value of 3 PD credit points that can be used towards the renewal of Coaching Certification. Specialty Clinics include a classroom session and an on-ice session. CSA Approved Helmet/skates/stick/gloves required for ice session.Below is a link to register. It is paid for by the association until tomorrow (March 1st.).  

We need 12 participants to run it so please come out if you can call or email John Rich if you have any [email protected](519) 386-9935 • Mobile