Picture Night, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Nov 07, 2018 | Stephen Ballard | 498 views
Picture Night
Picture Night - November 20th! Plex! Players must come dressed in FULL equipment, except for skates, to alleviate change room congestion. Please wear matching AWAY jersey and socks - no hats, sunglasses or neck guards. 

The pictures will take place upstairs, but we will have gathering spots in the lobby before they start so teams need to "check in" at the table for instruction. All players should be ready to go 10 minutes before picture time so we can move ahead if we get ahead of schedule. Girls will have one room, just for them. Amy Alpaugh will be have order forms soon, and more will be at the Plex. The association receives a percentage of all sales, and this is put back into the general fund.