SSMHA Novice Girls Parents!, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Sep 25, 2018 | Stephen Ballard | 522 views
SSMHA Novice Girls Parents!
Hello SSMHA Novice girls parents,

Thanks for registering your daughter for SSMHA Novice girls hockey for the upcoming season. I'm really looking forward to getting things going.

A quick introduction, my name is Richard Harris. I'll be the head coach this season. Kristen Kruse and Katie Myatt will be joining me as assistant coaches. 

We'll be finalizing our bench staff over the coming week. I've been coaching girls and boys hockey with the SSMHA for the past 8 years. I did coach novice girls with my older daughter a few years ago, so this age group is nothing new to me. I really enjoy working with the young age groups because they improve so much so quickly. We'll discuss more of my coaching philosophies and do a bigger intro at our parent meeting.

Hopefully all of you have gotten the emails from minor hockey or looked at the schedule on We have our first ice time this coming WEDNESDAY SEPT 26TH, 6-7PM AT THE PLEX IN PORT ELGIN. If you are able, please arrive at the rink no later than 5:30pm. I would like to have the girls ready 10mins before we go on the ice so the coaches can chat with them before we go on. I will be there at a table in the lobby to answer any questions you or your daughter may have. Also, it is SSMHA policy (not my policy) to charge $10 per player for these September skates so please bring $10 for your player. I will collect before practice. I understand that it is Meet The Teacher Night at Northport Elementary on Wed. If that is important to your daughter, by all means attend that. It would be nice though to have as many girls as possible at our skate.I would like to have a parent meeting after practice this Wednesday. Not long, 20 minutes or so. We'll use the meeting room in the lobby of the Plex. It would be great to have 1 parent of each player at the meeting. I'll be going over things like game day procedure, parent/player responsibilities and expectations, and general SSMHA and hockey season stuff.We have 2 tournaments booked for the season. We will go over these at the meeting as well.

Please email/call/text any time with any questions.

Email [email protected]        Home 5193892692          Cell 5193778637

See you at the rink!Coach Richard