Early Bird Registration Ends Saturday June 30, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Jun 27, 2018 | Tara Somerville | 1043 views
Early Bird Registration Ends Saturday June 30
Final Days of Early Bird Registration
If you'd like to register your child for hockey and take advantage of the early/regular registration pricing available until Saturday June 30th, then do the following:

Ways to Get Stuff to Us **
- drop off by Thursday at 4 pm (closing for long weekend) with a copy of the birth certificate and payment to: Office of Dr Tara Somerville, 786 Goderich St, Port Elgin
- mail to SSMHA, PO Box 1131 Port Elgin ON N0H 2C2 and hope it gets there by Saturday June 30
No credit cards, sorry!

Those Not Previously Registered
Fill out the registration form and waiver attached here.
Get it to us as listed above **No credit cards sorry!
Boys' or Co-Ed Hockey
If you have previously been registered with SSMHA, go to: hcr.hockeycanada.ca where you can register your child online and pay by credit card or drop off a cheque either way listed above **
Girls' Hockey (ages Novice 2010 and up)
Two options:
Fill out a registration form and waiver attached here as above.
Go to gw.itsportsnet.com to register and then make a payment by cheque or cash as above **. No credit cards sorry!
Early/Regular Registration Fees are as Follows:
- Preschool 2014, 2015  $200
- Initiation Program (IP) 2012, 2013  $350
- Tyke 2011  $400
- Novice 2010  $525 (note 2011 girls can play Novice Girls hockey but must pay Novice fees)
- Atom 2008, 2009  $525
- PeeWee 2006, 2007  $625
- Bantam 2004, 2005  $625
- Midget 2001, 2002, 2003  $625
For early/regular registration you may put down a $200 deposit and then pay in installments through the summer as long as the total amount is paid in full by August 31st.
On July 1st, prices for Tyke age and older increase by $200 as our Late Registration Fee.

Any questions, please email: [email protected]