Apr 13, 2017 | Stephen Ballard | 978 views
Season End and New Season Information
Hello hockey parents,
Coaches evaluation forms are now available on-line on the SSMHA website. The form is completed on-line and submitted to the association to use in future coaching selections. It can be found along the top of the website. There is a section to be completed by your player.
A reminder that our year end hockey banquets are next week. Novice and Atom are on Wednesday April 19th from 6-8pm and Peewee, Bantam and Midget are on Thursday April 20th from 6-8pm. Please plan on attending and celebrating the hockey season. Pizza will be provided to the players.
Planning for next season will begin shortly. Registration for boys hockey will once again be completed on-line. This includes the tyke program. Only a first year player's registration will be completed in person. A reminder to tyke parents who have children moving into the novice division next year; the association must have a copy of the player's birth certificate to be rostered to a team. A copy can be emailed to my email address.
Also, one parent must complete the Respect in Sport online course. The course only needs to be completed once. To access the course, please use this link.https://omhahockeyparent.respectgroupinc.com/
If the course is not completed, your player will not be able to be rostered to a team. If you have a new player but have already taken the course, you need to log back into your profile and add the name of your new player. If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact me.
Thank you,
Christine FlarityDirector of Registration
Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey