Tyke Banquet, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Mar 19, 2017 | Stephen Ballard | 1075 views
Tyke Banquet
TYKE HOCKEY PROGRAM  2016-2017 Dear Parent(s) The season is winding down.  Here are a couple of notes. 

Last Games: Dev D Teams  -  Sunday March 19th Jr, Int & Sr Teams  Wednesday March 22 Coaches will collect your Sweaters after your game. Parents please check your child's bag for extra sweaters. If you know a friend's child will be away,  please bring it.

TYKE BANQUET   -  WED  MARCH 29 The TYKE Banquet will be held at the Plex, upstairs in the Rotary Hall.  - 5:15  Dev D, Jr and Intermediate Tykes   - 6:30 Sr Tykes The Banquet coordinator is Leanne Roberts  - [email protected]  

Everyone is welcome to attend the Banquet. Players and Coaches eat free.  Cost is $2.00 each; children under 3 eat free. Please inform your Coach how many will be eating. The meal is Pizza and a juice box or water plus Tim-bit. Gluten-free pizza is available only if you tell the Coach.

Please pay your Coach by Saturday March 25 Note: You do not have to eat .  ( coffee is free )  Any Questions... contact your Coach or Bill Buckton  - [email protected]

Yours in Hockey   Bill 