Mar 19, 2017 | Stephen Ballard | 1246 views
Esso Fun Day
Girls Esso Fun Day - April 8 2017Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey Association is proud to be hosting an Esso Fun Day on April 8 2017. Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey Association is looking forward to hosting girls who have never tried the game before to come out and learn how much FUN hockey can be.
This program is meant to be a fun day of hockey for the first time participant in the female game.If you are a female born in 2005 through to 2012 and you want to give hockey a try, Esso Fun Day is for you and it's free.The focus of the day is to introduce players to the basics, to make new friends, and to try the game without having to make a commitment to sign up for a season.On-ice activities are provided by individuals with Coach Level certification assisted by other on-ice role models.Following the on-ice portion, there will be a Q&A session for anyone who wants to learn more about girls' hockey in Saugeen Shores.The event will be held on Saturday April 8 2017 at the Plex with the on-ice session beginning at 10:00am ... arrive by 9:00am in order to get signed in. The girls will then participate in a fun pre-ice warm up then get dressed in their hockey equipment.Full hockey equipment is not required, but the following items are mandatory:* Hockey Skates* Elbow pads* Gloves* Knee/shin pads* Neck protector* CSA approved Helmet* CSA approved Full Facial Protector* StickPlease note that pre-registration is required, so if you'd like to participate or would like more information, please contact Bryan Tedford at [email protected]