Jan 02, 2017 | Stephen Ballard | 1093 views
Bottle Drive
B Storm Silver Stick Fundraiser
The Saugeen Shores Novice B Storm have advanced to the International Silver Stick tournament in St. Clair Shores, Michigan from January 20-22.
The team were finalists at the Kincardine Silver Stick tournament in December to qualify for the International weekend. The team needs our help to get there. The boys will be running a bottle drive on Sunday January 8th. There will be 2 locations where donations can be dropped off. First, the team will be collecting donations at the Plex on January 8th from 10:30-2pm in the parking lot. They will also be collecting donations door-to-door from 1-3pm. To ensure that your donation is not missed, bottles and cans will also be accepted at the Port Elgin Beer Store from 1-3 pm. Please help the Novice B Storm in their quest for an International Silver Stick title.