Novice Evaluations, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Sep 18, 2016 | Stephen Ballard | 1101 views
Novice Evaluations
Novice Evaluations

Group #1 Saturday September 24th 2pm Plex Tuesday September 27th 5pm Plex

Group #2 Saturday September 24th 3pm Plex Tuesday Sept 27th 6pm Plex

You are in Group #1  if your last name is A- K inclusive.

Group #2 is L -Z inclusive.

There will be NO switching of times

Please arrive on time and be ready to go on the ice with full equipment

**Please note that there will be other players added to this list before the 24th and they will be contacted through email. All players will be evaluated and put into teams after the 27th. You will be contacted through email indicating which team you are on. SSMHA schedule will start on October 1, 2016. It is important to check the SSMHA website for any scheduling changes. If you have not heard from your coach by October 1, 2016 please contact Cindy Thomson.

If you are unsure of your group, contact [email protected]