Sep 15, 2016 | Stephen Ballard | 2427 views
Chris Hall PD Day Camps
HH HALL'S HOCKEY 2016 PD Day Camps!
Camp #1 - Friday September 30, 2016
Location: PLEX - Port Elgin
Camp #2 - Friday October 28, 2016
Location: PLEX -Port Elgin
Camp #3 - Friday November 18, 2016 Location: Coliseum - Southampton* *off-ice: Curling
Camp open to boys and girls 6-13 Cost: $125.00 per camp. Camp Duration: 8:30am - 4:30pm Camp includes: - 3 hours on-ice - 2 off-ice components- Pizza Party- HH Prizes
Off-ice components may consist of: Bowling, Swimming, Kick Boxing, Gymnastics (Maze Ball, Trampoline and Rock Climbing) Boom Baseball, Cross Training, Soccer-Baseball, Dodgeball and Road Hockey Tournament, Curling (Southampton camp)
To register send back the following information:Name:Age:Parents:Address:Phone:Email:Injuries, illnesses or allergies:Which camp:
Payment can be made on the morning of camp at our sign in table.
Yours in creating positive hockey experiences, Chris Hall HH HALL'S HOCKEY519-385-0112 [email protected]