Evaluation skates for girls, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Aug 17, 2016 | Stephen Ballard | 1166 views
Evaluation skates for girls
Registration for evaluation skates for the girls Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey Novice, PeeWee and Midget teams will begin tomorrow. You can access the forms on this SSMHA website or by following this link


Please note that players will NOT be allowed to participate if they have not registered with SSMHA and for the evaluation skate online before Sept 5th,2016. Exception for the SSMHA registration will be given to any girls from another association looking for a girls team, these will be by tryout registration only. Any of you aware of such players, please feel free to forward this email on to them.

The cost is $30 dollars for the 3 skates payable by cash or check before the player steps on the ice.

Any questions, please email me.


Margaret Dominik
