Skating and Skills, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Aug 15, 2016 | Stephen Ballard | 966 views
Skating and Skills
Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey will be offering 3 days of Skating and Skills on August 29th, August 31st and Sept 1st from 9-2pm. This will be open for Novice - Midget aged boys and girls who are registered with SSMHA. There will be 5 groupings...each player who signs up will get 1 hour each day.Goalies are encouraged to sign up as well.

There will be no requests for times..once we have all the names of the players we will put them in their group according to level and an email will be sent to you to confirm the time. That email will be sent by the beginning of next week. 
The cost will be $30 per player and will be due on August 29th when you come to sign your child in. 
There will be a limit of how many can participate and it will be based on when players sign up. 

If you would like to register your child, please email [email protected] with your child's name, position and the level they are playing this upcoming season.
Any questions please email [email protected]
Courtney Condy
OMHA Town Contact
Cindy Thomson