Jul 08, 2016 | Stephen Ballard | 1002 views
VP Girls Hockey Needed
URGENT - NEEDED ASAP Vice President for Girls Hockey (3rd VP) Are you up for the challenge?
His/Her specific duties shall be to:
a) Oversee the operations of the Girls league teams;
b) Present to the Executive for approval, a list of Coaches for all Girls teams;
c) Identify the ice time requirements to the Director of Ice Scheduling;
d) Keep record of all costs directly associated with operation of the Girls teams to be used by the Budget Committee to establish next seasons operating budget;
e) Act as an Executive contact for all bills associated with the Girls league. Forward all bills to the Treasurer for approval and payment at monthly Executive meetings;
f) Coordinate with Director of Silver Stick.
In reality, you’d have to become the face of girls hockey for the SSMHA.
You would:
- liaise with other centres re: girls hockey strategy (i.e. releasing / taking in excess girls, etc.)
- liaise with the OWHA and WOAA … particularly regarding rule interpretation, suspensions, etc.
- act as a subject matter expert for coaches & team staff re: girls hockey issues- handle rostering / registration of girls teams within the OWHA system (ITSportnet)
- field parent inquiries related to girls’ hockey- depending on numbers, you may have to coordinate tryouts at one level
You’ll have to be prepared to check your e-mail constantly and reply as soon as possible.
If interested, please contact Rob Blue [email protected]