Boys Rep B Tryout Information, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Aug 17, 2015 | cflarity | 4655 views
Boys Rep B Tryout Information
This year, tryouts for the Boys Rep B teams will be held in September at the Port Elgin Plex.  To view your player's schedule, please look at the calendar at the bottom of this website or choose the team they are trying out for from the menu at the side of the website.

The cost of the first two tryout skates is $25 and must be paid before the player steps on the ice.  After the first two tryout skates, a cut will be made by the coach.  If your player gets through the first cut, then the next two tryout times are an additional $25.  Again, the tryout fee MUST be paid before the player steps on the ice.  Cuts will  be made after the final skate.
This year, it has not yet been determined that we will be running an AE program in any of the divisions.  Therefore, if you would like your player to be considered for a possible AE team, they MUST attend the Rep B tryouts so the association can gauge interest and ability level in forming an AE team.
Your player must be registered with Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey in order to be eligible for the tryout skates.  You will not be allowed to register your child with Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey at the tryouts, it must be done online before the first tryout.  In addition, players must register in their proper age group.
Beginning today, there will be an online form to register your player.  Please go to the SSMHA website, click on the Tryout Registration tab, and fill out the online form completely.  Then click submit and you will receive an email verification confirming the registration.  This system works best on computers and tablets, not on cell phones.  The form will remain on the website until September 4th so sign up early.  You cannot register for tryouts at the rink, you must sign up online before September 4th.  DO NOT PUT THIS OFF UNTIL LATER, PLEASE SIGN UP ASAP!
If you have any questions, please contact Courtney Condy at [email protected]