Registration Information, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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May 31, 2015 | agottscheu | 2384 views
Registration Information
As announced earlier, we have some good news regarding this year's registration ...

For the 2015/2016 season the SSMHA is instituting a graduated fee structure:

                   Tyke:  $350 if registered and paid by September 30th 2015 ($500 after)
                   Novice:  $400 if registered and paid by June 30th 2015 ($550 after)           
                   Atom:  $500 if registered and paid by June 30th 2015 ($650 after)
                        Peewee/Bantam/Midget:  $600 if registered and paid by June 30th 2015 ($750 after)

Parents need to sign up as early as possible to avoid the team size issues we have had.  Also, like other years, parents registering on or before June 30th qualify for an early bird bonus and will pay the first figure above.  After that date, regular fees apply and they are $150 more – as indicated by the second amount. 

Registration will become available as quickly as possible after June 1st.  You will receive notification when registration is open.  There will be instructions available on this website and we will provide links to the online registration portals, courses and forms that parents will need.
