Novice LL Evaluations, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Sep 24, 2014 | agottscheu | 2413 views
Novice LL Evaluations
Below, you will find lists of the evaluation groups for Novice LL.  The evaluations will take place on October 1st and 2nd.  

NOTE:  These evaluations are in Southampton, NOT the Plex as noted on the schedule.

Group 1


5pm-6pm Southampton


Ozzie Alpaugh

Dillon Atkinson

Devin Billings

Logan Bursey

Evan Clarke

Cameron Cumming

Seth Gallop

Kaiden Gaul

Wesley Grant

Tyler Hodgkins

Harrison Hu

Jayna Johnson

Jack Kruiderink

Caitlin MacDonald

Ryhs Morrison

Ryan Phillips

Aiden Playfair

Sean Russett

Gage Sousa

Henry Van Geel

Hudson Wiles

Charlie Marshal

Group 2


6pm-7pm Southampton


Carson Anderson

Charlie Bennett

Zachary Burns

Jeri Carter
Zachary Couture

Courtney Cuillerier

Jacob Drummond

Jimmy Gattesco

Kelvin Gottschalk

Daniel Griffin

Christopher Hoffman

Collin Jackson

Aiden Johnson

Blake Lamont

Brett McKeough

Brodie Palinsky

Hunter Palinsky

Logan Roote

Owen Sheehan
Aamina Sirdar

Devin Thomson

Castin Roote

Daniel Redmond
