Tryout Updates, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Aug 21, 2014 | agottscheu | 1024 views
Tryout Updates
In our continuing effort to keep parents informed as much and as quickly as possible, here goes: 

  1. Shortly, there will be a menu option for tryouts on the main SSMHA webpage.  It will contain not only all the relevant information, but a link to an online registration form.  We would encourage parents to use that form so that we can be better organized when tryouts begin.  However, that does not preclude ‘walk-ins’.  We would like to have as many children as possible participate in this experience, so feel free to sign up at the first tryout session.
  2. There will be six tryout sessions for each age group.  A preliminary cut will be made after the first three.  Therefore, we are splitting up the cost between the two halves:  $20 for the first three tryout sessions; and $20 for the next three for those selected to advance. 
  3. Parents are reminded that their child’s registration must be paid in full before they can go on the ice.  If you need to make final payment, you are encouraged to contact the Treasurer to make arrangements before September 6th.  The same condition holds true for the start of the season in late September/early October if you are planning on having your child play in Local League.
  4. NB:  The first tryout sessions on September 6th start at 12:00 pm NOT 11:00 am as originally announced.