Female Development Players - 2014/15 Policy, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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May 22, 2014 | Sean Fowler | 9562 views
Female Development Players - 2014/15 Policy
In response to some questions surrounding the SSMHA policy regarding female development players, please let us clarify the SSMHA policy for the upcoming 2014/15 hockey season …

Any girl who wishes to primarily play “boys” (OMHA) hockey on a team within the SSMHA may do so.
The normal registration procedure for OMHA teams will apply, and she may play on an age appropriate Local League team or attend Representative team tryouts which will be held in September.
Those girls who choose this option WILL NOT be permitted to affiliate to a “girls” (OWHA) team  

Any girl who wishes to primarily play “girls” (OWHA) hockey, on a team within the SSMHA may do so.  
The normal registration procedure for OWHA teams will apply, and she may play on an age appropriate girls team that is being offered. The OWHA team will constitute the player’s PRIMARY team.  
Those girls who choose this option WILL be permitted to affiliate to a “boys” (OMHA) Representative team if they are selected to affiliate via the boys tryout process. The OMHA team will constitute the player’s AFFILIATE team.
This will afford those girls the development that is intended in the Female Development Player (FDP) model.

If you have any questions regarding this policy please feel free to contact Sean Fowler.
