Jun 11, 2012 | Executive | 1575 views
Development Programs
The SSMHA is offering the following programs for the 2012/13 hockey season. The involvement of individual coaching staff in the various development programs will not only enrich our experienced coaches but will provide support to coaches new to the field.
Tyke Development. Headed by Bill Buckton we will continue with Saturday morning practice sessions concentrating on skills and techniques appropriate to the initiation level. We have increased game nights to a three hour ice slot. New this season, we intend to form a part-time Tyke Select Team. This trial initiative is not fully budgeted, therefore participants will be required to contribute towards its operation.
Novice Girls Team. We intend to form a part-time Novice Girls Team. This trial initiative is not fully budgeted, therefore participants will be required to contribute towards its operation. Please note that Novice age girls will continue to be registered into the mixed gender full-time novice teams.
Novice LL Development. Headed by Craig Bell with assistance from the Novice Local League team coaches. This Program will be for Novice LL players, and will provide skills and techniques appropriate to this level. The sessions this season have been increased to 1 1/2 hr ice slots, with the first 1/2 concentrating on Skating.
Atom LL Development. Headed by Grant Lamont with assistance from the Atom Local League team coaches. This Program is a new initiative and will provide increased skills and techniques appropriate to this level. The sessions will be
1 1/2 hr ice slots, with the first 1/2 hr concentrating on Skating.
Mentorship . Chris Hall will provide mentor assistance in these areas. The Executive is continuing to examine a comprehensive Mentorship Program for the Association.
Power Skating/Body Checking/Body Contact. Chris Hall has been selected to head these programs. Groupings are:
1. Novice BB/Atom BB/Atom AE.
2. PeeWee Girls.
3. PeeWee Boys.
After the initial instruction by Chris to these programs including a refresher at mid-season, these sessions will be headed by the applicable coaching staffs with Chris being available on a mentor basis.
Goalie Development Coaches Clinic. The Association will hold a Goalie Clinic for all of its coaches. This Clinic will be headed by Andy Barnard.
Goalie Development. Again this season, there will be weekly development for its goalies headed by Andy Barnard.