Dec 10, 2021 | Stephen Ballard | 696 views
Lions Club Cheque Presentation
On December 9th, members of the Lions Club of Port Elgin, along with a few Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey Association(SSMHA) executive and players, gathered for a cheque presentation.
With more kids joining hockey each year, SSMHA was in need of a few sets of jerseys, and the Lions Club did not hesitate to step in and help. Not only did they offer to support the purchase of the jerseys, but to elected to continue their Team and Saugeen Shores Silver Stick sponsorships.
The Lions Club has been a generous supporter of the SSMHA girls hockey program for over 25 years! (From year 1 having only 1 team, to now rostering 13 teams)Port Elgin and District Lions Club is a service club dedicated to supporting community needs and projects. The club has been supporting Port Elgin and surrounding area for over 40 years. In the photo are: (Back row L-R) Mykah Harris, Avery Martindale, Emily Mcgregor, Alison Charbonneau (SSMHA Tournament Director), Jeff Walker (Lions Club Member), Randi Martin (SSMHA Fundraising/Sponsorship Director), Mary Campbell (SSMHA President), Ashley Shields, and Brooklyn Quanz.Front row: Lions Club Members Mary Heimbecker and Mary Galliher
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