U18 ‘B’ Girls Bring Home the Gold, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Dec 06, 2021 | Laurie Anne Boyes | 1378 views
U18 ‘B’ Girls Bring Home the Gold
After the heartbreaking Covid Cancellation of a hard fought for ticket to OWHA’s Provincial Championships at the onset of the pandemic, the Port Elgin and District Lions Club U18 ‘B’ girls were more than ready to hit the ice in their first tournament since Covid, at the Whitby Tournament of Heroes. Tilting with teams never met before from Toronto to Ottawa, our Saugeen Shores Ladies arrived at the semifinals undefeated in their pool. A solid victory over the Durham West Lightning (4- 0) sent them to the Finals to face the only other team out of 14 competitors with an equal tournament record. 

Team morale seemed to be fading and fans and coaches began to question if they wore the right lucky sweater as the SECOND period ended with 2 goals for the Goulbourn Rockets and ZERO for the Storm. Breaking away early in the third, winger Lyndsay Cumming sprinkled hope into the crowds as the Storm parents yelled “ Gooooo”, only to see her taken down with a trip. Swiftly turning misfortune into opportunity, Cumming approached her penalty shot with confidence, deked, and back handed a beauty goal, turning our Storm’s “Slowmentum” into “Momentum.”

The energy change was palatable. Good teams find ways to win, and by the end of the period the ladies in blue had tied it up with concrete teamplay .Assisted by defence Lauren McDonald, centre Olivia Hall’s gorgeous wrap around goal made it clear that there was a “Storm” warning in effect and our girls were going to enforce it!!As the 5 minutes were posted on the clock for the sudden-death overtime, our squad rallied together for a four-on-four tussle for the point. Chances were had on both sides, The crowds were gasping in unison, and with just 56 seconds left on the clock winger Brooklyn Quanz blasted off a shot from the right and defence Layla Cushnie banged in the rebound for the sudden victory. Parents exhale. Driving home in freezing rain is a little bit easier with gold medals around the neck to light the way.


Congratulations Ladies and welcome back. #gostormgo #saugeenshoresstrong #saugeenshores