Southampton Coliseum Information, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Oct 05, 2021 | Stephen Ballard | 734 views
Southampton Coliseum Information
Please read the following information carefully...

Entering and exiting:

Arrive 25 minutes before ice time. Exit 20 minutes after leaving ice surface. Enter through facility entrance at back of building Proof of vaccination and government issued ID required for everyone 12 and older. Exemptions apply. For information visit

Pre-screen before arriving. Stay home if sick. Sign-in with Organization's screener.

Limit re-entry as much as possible.

Masks required for everyone 2 years and older except when engaging in sport.

Spectators: Keep physical distance (2 metres) from everyone outside your household. Masks required. May be removed temporarily to eat or drink. Children must be directly supervised at all times. Lobby is closed for viewing and waiting. Wait in stands to meet athlete or exit to parking lot at end of ice time. Sit in designated Spectator Zone.

Dressing room capacity: 10 participants

Exit dressing room within 20 minutes of leaving the ice surface. Participants may wait in the hallway or first row of the stands when waiting to change. Keep physical distance (2 metres) from others. Washroom and showers are available. Masks required in dressing room until exiting to ice surface or helmet is on. Parents/caregivers may enter dressing rooms to assist participants with skates.

More information: 