By now, parents should have received an email from Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey Public Relations confirming email addresses for contact, news, etc.
If you DID NOT receive an email from Public Relations...
1) Check your SPAM/Trash first. The email may have ended up there.
2) Contact
[email protected] to make sure you are included. Please indicate which age division your player is in...e.g. U8 OMHA (Boys), U13 OWHA (Girls), etc. You can include work emails, grandparents, etc.
Please provide any additional email addresses by September 19. Note - these email lists are a work in progress, so make take a bit of time to be fully updated. Please be patient and courteous with all SSMHA volunteers,
SSMHA will use these email groups to either target messages to specific age divisions, or to reach the entire association. Remember that our website -, - along with our Social Media Pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter), are another source of relevant and current information.
Please share this information with anyone you think may benefit.