Volunteers Needed!, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Apr 22, 2021 | Stephen Ballard | 717 views
Volunteers Needed!
It is National Volunteer Week and SSMHA needs you! We need coaches, trainers and managers. For a simple breakdown on how to become qualified, see the instructions below from the SSMHA Qualifications Committee...

A Guide to Coaching Qualifications

Hockey Canada takes the positions and leadership responsibilities of their Coaches, Managers and Trainers (Team Officials) very seriously. They have outlined, and enforce, strict qualifications to obtain and maintain qualified-status as a Team Official in Canada.

This process can be intimidating and difficult to understand. Here is a simple breakdown, and some direction, on how to become qualified as a Team Official on a minor hockey team.

There are 3 Team Official positions:1) Manager 2) Trainer 3) Coach

If you want to help out on-ice or on the bench, you must hold the minimum requirements for one of these positions.

Step 1:Create an account to track your qualifications at  http://ehockey.hockeycanada.ca 

From your ehockey account, you can sign up for any online or classroom training you may require.


Minimum Training Requirements for a MANAGER:

- Respect in Sport (RiS) - Activity Leader / Speak Out This is different from the RiS Training you must complete as a parent/guardian of a player in minor hockey.
- Gender Identity & Expression Course
- Hockey University– Planning a Safe Return to Hockey
- Police Check – Contact SSMHA Executive for more info- Rowan’s Law (Concussion Awareness) – Annual Resources Review & Acknowledgement – Contact SSMHA Executive for more info


Minimum Training Requirements for a TRAINER:

Must complete all Manager minimum requirements listed above, plus the following:

- Trainer’s Level 1 Course: HTCP Level 1 On-line Course

This training can completed through links found @ www.omha.net or www.hdcoelearning.com


Minimum Training Requirements for a COACH:

Must complete all Manager minimum requirements listed above, plus the following:

U9 & Below...

- Coach 1-Intro to Coach (Online)

- U10 & Above..

- Coach 2-Coach Level Trained (Online)
- Hockey University: Checking

All of these guidelines can be found at www.OMHA.net under the “Bench Staff Tab” on the top of the page.

TEAM OFFICIALS – Continuing Training – Qualification Maintenance

If you are already qualified as a Manager, Trainer or Coach there may still be ongoing training you will require.

Please Note: Due to Covid-19, the OMHA has altered their Training process to online-based training in lieu of a classroom option. The OMHA expects to return to the classroom for their C2 & D1 courses once it is safe to do so.

All Team Officials: Police Checks expire for SSMHA every 2 years. Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement is required annually, and will be administered through the SSMHA Executive.

TRAINERS: The HTCP Level 1 On-line course is good for 3 years. There is online requalification training available when yours expire.

COACHES: Coaches training is built around a graduate process –> Coach Level 1 (C1) –> Coach Level 2 (C2) –> Development 1 (D1)C2 & D1 “Trained” coaches are qualified for 5 years, at which time you need requalification.

There are 2 options to requalify: 1) you can apply for “Certified Status” by completing some online training, and being evaluated by our local OMHA approved Coaching Evaluator, or, 2) you can retake the classroom D1 classroom course. Please check out the extensive breakdown at www.omha.net/coach for further information.

Note: there is further training a coach can take in the High Performance Level with the OMHA. This is outside of the scope of SSMHA’s B-Center status with the OMHA so we will not go into detail at this time.

If you have any questions about coaching qualifications or the process, please contact anyone from SSMHA Coaching Qualifications Committee for more information:

Chair: Rob Lamont – [email protected]
Girls VP: Shawn Nelson – [email protected]
Registrar – Karly Johnson – [email protected]
Director of U9 & Below – Jami Smith – [email protected]