A Message from the SSMHA President!, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Apr 17, 2021 | Stephen Ballard | 500 views
A Message from the SSMHA President!
Hello SSMHA families,

What a year! I’d like to start off by thanking every player, parent/guardian and volunteer for following the seemingly endless list of protocols that made our 2020-2021 hockey season possible. Thank you for trusting us to provide a safe opportunity to enjoy hockey during this unprecedented time.

A refund cheque (for lost ice time during shut down) of $100 per player will be ready for pickup as soon as the lockdown restrictions lift. We will announce pick up days at the Plex parking lot, as soon as we are permitted to do so.

Thank you to the many members who attended our virtual AGM meeting last month. It was great to see so many in attendance.

I’d like to introduce our 2021-2022 SSMHA Executive team;
-1st VP (rep) - Chris Masse
-2nd VP (local league)- Amy Alpaugh
-3rd VP (girls) - Shawn Nelson
-Director of U9 (Novice) and Below - Jami Smith
-Treasurer - Kevin Marshall
-Secretary - Angela Ebenstreit
-Registrar - Karly Johnson 
-PR - Steve Ballard
-Director of Tournaments - Alison Charbonneau
-Director of Sponsorship and Fundraising - Randi Martin-
Ice Scheduler - Rob Lamont

I’d like to thank our outgoing executive team members, Kate Reinwald (Secretary), Nicole Foster (Fundraising) and Cindy Thomson (1st VP) for their many years of volunteering with Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey. We appreciate your dedication to putting kids on the ice safely. Programs like these can’t run without incredible volunteers like you. Thank you!

Lastly, coaching applications for next season will be open starting today, and for the next month. Please reach out to myself, or any other executive team member if you’d like to volunteer with minor hockey in a non-coaching position. We have many sub committees that will require additional help for next season.

On behalf of the entire SSMHA Executive team, we wish you a safe and happy off-season and can’t wait to see you back on the ice in the fall.

Yours in hockey,
Mary Campbell
SSMHA President