Rep Hockey Convener, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Mar 07, 2021 | Stephen Ballard | 674 views
Rep Hockey Convener
Interested in becoming 1st VP - Rep Hockey Convener?

In the absence of the President, the 1st VP - Rep Hockey Convener shall have and exercise the powers of the President. 

His/her specific duties shall be to:

a) Oversee the operation of the Rep teams;

b) Present to the Executive for approval, a list of recommended Coaches for the Rep teams;

c) Identify the ice time requirements to the Director of Ice Scheduling;

d) Be the official appointed representative (i.e., town contact) to the OMHA and the WOAA;

e) Be the official liaison between the SSMHA and Junior Hockey Clubs;

f) Keep record of all costs directly associated with operating Rep teams to be used by the Budget Committee to establish the following season's operating budget;

g) Act as Executive contact for all bills associated with Rep teams. Forward all bills to the Treasurer for approval and payment at monthly Executive meetings;

h) Administer the discipline process for players and team officials as per the Association’s Rules of Operation.

This position will be voted upon at the upcoming AGM - March 11 at 7 pm online. For a Zoom link to this meeting, please contact [email protected]