Mar 01, 2021 | Stephen Ballard | 346 views
Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting
The 2021 SSMHA Annual General Meeting will be held March 11 at 7:00 pm.This meeting will be conducted using Zoom. As we are limited by Zoom to a certain number of participants, you will need to contact us to reserve a link/invitation to the meeting. Invitations will be given to the first 89 responders.
Please contact
[email protected] to reserve your spot.
Positions up for election this year include:
1st VP (Boys Rep)
VP Girls Hockey
Ice Scheduler
Each nominated person will require a nominator and a seconder to support their application.Nomination Forms can be:
1) downloaded from their location at the right of this website - Executive Nomination Form.
2) requested directly from the Secretary [email protected] or Public Relations [email protected]
3) Completed as an online form found under the Storm Logo at the top of this website