Plex Flow Plan/ Procedures, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Oct 13, 2020 | Stephen Ballard | 1075 views
Plex Flow Plan/ Procedures
Here is the information for those using the Plex This plan is designed for groups that require parent/caregiver assistance. 

For more information, go to...Plex Plan

Facility entrance and lobby

Participants and spectators (1 per participant max.) will enter through the same entrance.

Enter through the main Plex entrance

Doors will open 15 minutes prior to ice time and will remain open until 5 minutes prior to ice time (i.e. if the ice time is at 5pm, the doors will be open from 4:45-4:55)

Line-up outside the entrance keeping 2 metres apart. 

Arrive close to your entry time to avoid congregating

Everyone must self-screen prior to arrival. Once inside, stop and sanitize hands.

Proceed into arena lobby.

Check board for dressing room and spectator zone assignments

Proceed to dressing rooms

Ice entry and exit

Parents/caregivers (spectators) will be permitted in the dressing room to assist with skate tying. 

Masks must be worn at all times.

Participants are required to wear a mask until their helmet is on in the dressing room.

Two dressing rooms will be assigned per team. Participants will not return to the dressing rooms after ice time

Participants will proceed to designated dressing room with parent/caregiver

Masks must be worn at all times by parent/caregiver

Once participant is ready, parent/caregiver will exit to spectator area via designated ice entrance

No belongings/bags will be left in the dressing room. Parent/caregiver will take participant's bag to the stands

Once in spectator area, parent/caregiver cannot return to dressing room hallway

Participants will enter the ice at the start of their ice time

All participants will exit the ice via the Home bench to the Club room and lobby to remove skates, helmet, gloves.

Participants will go through the Club room to get to the lobby

Parent/caregiver will meet participant in lobby or Club room to assist with skate/helmet removal

Space allows both teams to remove skates at same time

Once skates and helmet are removed, parent/caregiver and participant will exit facility together via the  north west exit

Participants are required to put on their put their mask on once in the Club room/lobby and to exit the facility