Mandatory Pre-Season pre-concussion testing for ALL Bantam and Midget players, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Aug 12, 2019 | Stephen Ballard | 712 views
Mandatory Pre-Season pre-concussion testing for ALL Bantam and Midget players
SSMHA requires that all Bantam and Midget players receive pre-season pre-concussion baseline testing through Brock McDonald at Bruce County Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center. Brock has extended training in concussion diagnosis and management. Younger players are also eligible, with understanding that the standardized testing tool is appropriate for as young as 12 years of age.…/concussion-man…/

216 Goderich St Port Elgin, 519-832-6688.

Brock uses a standardized and validated tool called ‘Impact’.

There will be several sessions set up in late August and early September for this purpose. Contact the clinic at 519-832-6688 for appointment.

This testing has a charge of $50 and can be reimbursed by most extended health benefits. A prescription can be provided should your benefits require it. Contact [email protected] if needed.

****For those families without extended health benefits, please contact the SSMHA for help, as we have sponsorship monies specifically for this purpose. Contact [email protected] if needed.

Post-Concussion Testing- Players suspected of concussion should be seen by a physician or health care practitioner trained in concussion diagnosis and management as soon as possible after injury. Brock McDonald and colleagues will see players within two business days for follow-up testing.