How to Volunteer and/or become Bench Staff with SSMHA
The SSMHA has over 600 players and approximately 120 volunteers helping to coach, act as trainers and managers, and serving on the executive committee. We could not have all these kids on the ice without our amazing volunteers.
H o w c a n y o u h e l p o u t ?
For anyone wanting to be more involved with a team, the courses below are what are required by Hockey Canada and/or the Ontario Minor Hockey Association.
* Write down your Hockey Canada e-Hockey profile number when you get it and keep it in a safe place.
* Ensure that if you are asked in a course what association you are with that you indicate SSMHA (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey Association).
* As you add courses, please ensure that you add YOURSELF as the participant NOT your child.
* If you run into trouble registering for courses or with your e-Hockey account, please contact the registrar: [email protected].
* Volunteers who run the clock, or do scoresheets are not required to take courses.
for instructions on how to start the process to obtain your
vulnerable sector check
for coaches, volunteers and officials.
Step One |
Before contacting your local Police Station, print and fill out this Criminal Offence Declaration Form, and present it when applying for your Vulnerable Sector Check.
Obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) check from your local Police Station (in person or online).
Saugeen Shores Police
South Bruce OPP
Step Two |
Gender Identification and Expression Course
We recommend getting this first, because it is FREE and takes the least time and gets you an e-hockey account if you don't already have one. Takes a bit over an hour. This is a required course to be a volunteer on the ice or as a coach, manager or trainer.
Step Three |
Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders Course
This takes about 3 hours and costs $30+HST.Please send your receipt to our treasurer [email protected] reimbursement. This is a required course to be a volunteer on the ice or as a coach, manager or trainer.
Step Four (if applicable) |
Trainers Course (Trainer 1)
This is an online course and can be done in stages. It is one of the very important volunteer positions in the association because Trainers are in charge of safety. All teams must have a Trainer present to be on the ice at any time. The course takes 5-6 hours and costs $85+HST which is again reimbursed by SSMHA. Please send your receipt to our treasurer [email protected] reimbursement. |
Step Five (if applicable) |
The HU (Hockey University) Online Coach 1/2
is a prerequisite online course to be taken in advance of any in-person coaching course, so that's a great place to start. That course is about 4 hours and costs $30+HST, again reimbursed by the association, please see above.
For even more information check out the OMHA Coach Education Website