If you are coaching SSMHA < U9, you need a minimum of C1.
If you are coaching > U10, you need a minimum of C2.
How can you check your qualifications? Use this ehockey link…
Check Account
If at any time you are unsure, or need questions answered, contact the director of hockey operations for your division (SSMHA Executive)
D1 Qualifications and the D1 Field Evaluation.
This process includes:
1) Completion of the Making Ethical Decisions – Online Evaluation
2) Completion of the D1 – Post-Task Workbook
3) Submission of the D1 - Request for Evaluation Form to the local association or local D1 Field Evaluator

The Coach's role on the bench staff and for the team includes, but is not limited to:
- choosing the team either through try-outs or evaluation skates
- working with coaches of other teams and the SSMHA Ice Scheduler to develop a game schedule
- recruit bench staff and help to ensure that all volunteers have the appropriate qualifications
- develop strong communication with the team families and bench staff
- develop a positive rapport with all players, encouraging skill and team development, fair play and fun as priorities
- ensure that gender identification awareness is discussed at the start of the season, as per the Hockey Canada Gender Identification and Expression course and policies, as well as ensuring that all players have a safe changing space free from discrimination and bullying
- develop practice plans to aid in the player and team development
- work with players to learn game rules and develop game strategy
- note that there must be at least one qualified coach at ALL ice times, although this does not have to be the head coach
- work with the trainer to identify injuries and ensure that players are safe from worsening injuries
- discuss with families whether tournaments will be part of the team's season and arrange accordingly
- participate in season wrap-up events such as the banquet