Managers (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

Team Manager

The Team Manager is a central figure in creating the flow of communication – not only within the team [players, parents and coaches], but between the team and all support systems such as the minor hockey association, division manager, league managers, other teams, referees and officials.

The Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) has produced the following Manual (CLICK HERE) 

Managers require the following qualifications:

Respect In Sport for Activity Leader
-  Gender Identification and Expression Course 
-   See 'How to Volunteer' for details

The Manager's role on the bench staff and for the team includes, but is not limited to:

-  Maintain
 contact info for all team members, and applicable parents/guardians. 
-  Often Managers are the point of contact regarding team news, events, etc. 
-  Managers are responsible for maintaining the Official Roster (requesting the addition of APs, and ensuring all players are rostered appropriately.  Managers need to bring a copy of the roster to all sanctioned events. 

-  Manager ensures 
Medical forms are produced by all parents/guardians (collaborating with Bench Staff and Trainer)
Jersey management 
-  Managers schedule e
xhibition games and obtain the necessary travel permits
-  Managers work with bench staff to determine, and typically collect/manage t
eam fees (funds used for tournaments, additional team funded ice, or other expenses). 
- Transparent tracking of team expenses. 
Tournaments – fees, registration, hotel, notify SSMHA ice scheduler, obtain travel permits and prepare/bring rosters
Game Days - Organize clock, scoresheet duties
Gamesheets – fill in roster/upload information, have coaches sign off, provide to referee after game (WOAA) and to away team
Sign in/out iPads (be sure to charge!)
Referee payment
Upload scores to the website (via Gamesheet App, or directly on website for tournaments)
Lock and open dressing room
-  Provide a minimum of two articles featuring your sponsor for distribution on the SSMHA website. 

Contact [email protected] for assistance in setting up your roster, or utilizing your team sites.  We are happy to help!