Sep 11, 2018 | Stephen Ballard | 715 views
Coach Training
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for your patience as we put this years development program together. This year we have a couple of exciting ideas happening and have tried to work out a program that will be helpful to all teams.
1. We will be running a Power Edge Pro coaches training session.
We would like to have a least one trained coach per team this year.The trainers from Power edge Pro will be in Port Elgin to train us.
* in class Sept 28th 5-9 pm
* on ice coaches only Sept 29th 9-10:30 am
* on ice coaches 10 players Sept 29th 11-12:30 am
Please respond to [email protected] indicating if you are available and would like to be a part of this training so that I may put you on the list.
If you are a rep coach and are unable to attend let me know and I will hold a spot for one of your assistant coaches to be named once your team is picked. One of the biggest challenges with offering this kind of training is finding the ice time to implement it. In an effort to do so we have booked all the 4-5 pm ice time in Southampton from Thanksgiving to the end of March.
As you all know, registration is up to 550 kids this year so ice time will be challenging. You will have regular practice times with your team, but some sessions may be shared ice, so it is possible that teams might be able to run some PEP sessions during their shared ice slot and have their practices replace by a morning or a 4-5 pm ice time. Or alternatively if you have a 5-6 pm ice time in Southampton you could run a 4- 5 pm PEP session before your regular practice. These are just the ideas I am putting together as we try and offer more practice and development time for our teams. Please respond to [email protected] expressing your interest to participate and provide me with any feedback or suggestions you may have. My hope is to create a program that works for everyone.
2. Tim Fewster from Rick Heinz goalie schools will be running Goalie coach development sessions in Southampton on October 20th.These sessions are designed to help coaches learn to better integrate their goaltenders into their practices. The times are listed below.
1-1:30- just coaches-Novice to Peewee Local League
1:30 -2:20- Novice to Peewee Local League coaches with their goalies
2:30-3:00- Pee Wee Rep to Midget coaches
3:00-3:50- Pee Wee Rep to Midget coaches with their goalies
4:00- 4:30 Questions and answer session
All sessions will be on ice, teaching coaches how to best work with their goalies in practice. Please respond to [email protected] indicating if you are available and would like to be a part of this training so that I may put you on the list.
3. As well this year we will be running a minimum of 2 specialty clinics that can be used to acquire coaching re-certification points. I have the first one in the works right now. More information will follow.
Please forward this information to anyone who you think may be interested in coaching this year.
Thank you John Rich [email protected] 519-386-9935