Hall's Hockey Camps, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Jul 09, 2013 | cflarity | 5288 views
Hall's Hockey Camps
Hall's Hockey will be offering its pre-season camps this August to get players ready for tryouts in the fall.

The following is a list of the Pre-season programs, dates, times, ages and cost.  All programs are for boys and girls.

Week #1 - August 19-23, 2013

5:00-6:00pm  Learn to Play/Tyke program for 1st or 2nd year players - 7 years old and under
6:00-7:00pm  Skills, Drills and Battles for Senior Tyke, Novice and Atom
7:00-8:00pm  Power Skating and Conditioning for Senior Tyke to Midget
8:00-9:00pm  Elite Conditioning and Battle Drills for PeeWee, Bantam and Midget

Week #2 - August 26-30, 2013

5:00-6:00pm  Skills, Drills and Battles for Senior Tyke, Novice and Atom
6:00-7:00pm  Power Skating and Conditioning for Senior Tyke, Novice and Atom
7:00-8:00pm  Power Skating and Conditioning for PeeWee, Bantam and Midget
8:00-9:00pm  Elite Conditioning and Battle Drills for PeeWee, Bantam and Midget

The cost for each program is $120.00.  You may register for multiple programs on the same night or opposite weeks.  All programs will be run out of the Plex in Port Elgin.

To register, please send the following information:

Name of player:
Prospective team for 2013-2014 (optional):
Injuries, Illnesses or Allergies:

All programs have a limited enrollment so don't hesitate to register for your prefered week and time.
Please contact Chris Hall is you have any questions.
Payment maybe sent to the PO Box address below.

Chris Hall
Owner and Head Instructor
HH Hall's Hockey
Box 329
Southampton, Ontario
N0H 2L0
(519) 385-0112
