Annual General Meeting (AGM) Invite, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Feb 21, 2025 | Ashley Clark | 18 views
Annual General Meeting (AGM) Invite
Dear Members,
You are invited to our Annual General Meeting (AGM), being held on Thursday, March 27th 2025 at 7 PM upstairs at the PLEX.

We have 6 Executive Positions up for election this year:

Vice-President/OMHA Center Contact
OWHA Director
Director of Ice Scheduling
Director of Sponsorship/Fundraising
Director of Tournaments

*The term of office is 2 years.

If you would like to get involved on the executive next season, kindly submit a nomination form at your earliest convenience. According to section 9.1 of our by-laws, a nomination form must be completed by all nominees and two (2) nominators who are members of the association in good standing. 

If you're interested, here is a peak of our draft Agenda for the AGM. A quorum for an AGM shall be a minimum of 15 members eligible to vote and present in person. No business shall be transacted in the absence of a quorum except to take measures to obtain a quorum, to take a recess or to adjourn (Section 7.4).   As a valued member of our association, please consider attending. 

All interested applicants are strongly encouraged to reach out to this year's executive to discuss the responsibilities of the position. Contact information for all executive members can be found on the SSMHA website. 

We sincerely hope that you will join us at 7 PM on Thursday, March 27, 2025, for our AGM.

SSMHA Executive Committee 