New Executive, Banquets and Nominations, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Mar 23, 2022 | Stephen Ballard | 695 views
New Executive, Banquets and Nominations
Good morning SSMHA families,

As we wrap up the 2021-2022 hockey season, I just wanted to say thank you to all of our players and their families for a great year. 

We had our AGM meeting a few weeks ago and elected some new members to the team.Please welcome the 2022-2023 SSMHA Executive;

President - Rob Lamont
VP-League Representative - Alicia Botting
OWHA director - Shawn Nelson
OMHA LL director - Amy Alpaugh
OMHA rep director - Matt Lamont
Director of U9 and below - Sasha Hammel
Ice Scheduler - Sarah Wolfe
Treasurer - Angie Ebenstreit
Director of Sponsorship/Fundraising- Randi Martin
Director or tournaments - Alison Charbonneau
PR Director - Jami Smith
Secretary - Sue Desormeaux
OMHA Registrar - Meghan Kronister
OWHA Registrar - Katie Myatt

I would like to give a huge thank you to our outgoing executive for the long hours (especially over the last two years), and for their tireless efforts to keep minor hockey running during the pandemic. It was an honour to lead such a hard working and dedicated team. Thank you Karly Johnson (Registrar), Steve Ballard (Public Relations) and Kevin Marshall (Treasurer). Thank you so much for stepping up and making this season happen. Organizations like SSMHA simply don’t work without volunteers like you. Thank you. I am equally grateful for all of the executive members that have agreed to stay on for another season, especially Mr. Rob Lamont, who has agreed to step into my role as president. It feels wonderful to know that I can step away leaving the association in such capable hands. Thank you.

Our year end banquet will be held at The Plex (Rotary Hall) on;- April 4th (6-9pm) OMHA - U8 to U11 - April 5th (6-9pm) OMHA -  U13 to U18  - April 12th (6-9pm) OWHA - U8 to U18P lease make sure you have any nomination forms completed by this Friday, March 25th. They can be submitted via this link..

Refunds will be available at the banquet. Please consider donating your $60/player to our referee sponsorship program. We would like to help cut the cost of becoming an official, which is $450-$500 for the course and uniform. We currently have about 1/3rd the number of referees required for an association of our size. There are no hockey games without  referees.   

That’s a wrap! Thanks again for entrusting us with your players, and we look forward to seeing you back on the ice in the fall.


Yours in hockey,
Mary Campbell
SSMHA President