Attention U9 and Below, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Sep 25, 2020 | Stephen Ballard | 425 views
Attention U9 and Below
Greetings Parents and Guardians,

Please remember that if this is your child's first year of hockey, I will need a copy of their birth certificate. Taking a picture and emailing it to me is fine. I need to add it to their Hockey Canada profile.

Also, before your child can step on the ice, Respect in Sport (RIS) NEEDS to be done.  If it isn't, they will not be allowed on the ice.

Again, if this is your child's first year, there is a link on the SSMHA website that you can follow.

If you have completed RIS for other children in your family, you do NOT need to do it again, However, please add your first year hockey child(ren)s name(s) to your RIS profile. 

Go to the portal from the SSMHA website

Pick Respect in Sport

Scroll down and click access the OMHA site (in blue)

Log into your RIS account and click on profile in left top corner

Scroll and select child management bar

Add child

Thanks, Karly Johnston, Registrar