Jan 06, 2020 | Stephen Ballard | 883 views
Shoreline Beacon Hockey Pool Cheque
Saugeen Shores Unifor Family Education Centre Atom B Team accepts the Shoreline Beacon Hockey Pool cheque after a recent 3-2 away win against BCH in Hensall on December 21, 2019.
The Shoreline Beacon donates 1 dollar for every entry to its annual hockey pool to the Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey Association. This year, SSMHA was the beneficiary of $280.00. Thank you Shoreline Beacon.
Back row left to right: Cash M., Michael B., Johnny B., Nolan J., Cody T., Sawyer P., Max S.
Front row L-R: Brendan L., Mason M., Jacob R., Hiatt R.
Absent - Owen M., Zander A., Tyler F., Lincoln L.