AGM - Save the Date, News (Saugeen Shores Minor Hockey)

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Feb 25, 2022 | Stephen Ballard | 365 views
AGM - Save the Date
AGMSave the Date - March 9th.

SSMHA will be holding its Annual General Meeting on March 9th at 7:30 pm, upstairs at The Plex. Please attend and participate in the voting procedures.

Positions up for re-election include:
• President
• 2nd VP - HL / LL Hockey Convener
• Treasurer• Director of Registration
• Director of Public Relations
• Director of U9 and Below
• 1st VP - Rep Hockey

The main responsibilities of Executive Members are listed below, (and not limited to):


The President, within the jurisdiction of the Association and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall have the power to:
a) Sign as the signing officer of the Association;
b) Ensure that suitable insurance coverage is obtained for the Executive, Association Equipment and ensure that these Insurance policies are renewed yearly;
c) Suspend players or team officials as per the Association’s Rules of Operation
d) Sit on all Committees as an ex-officio voting member;
e) Manage the Association’s budget;
f) Chair Association meetings as directed within this by-law;
g) Ensure the Association’s ice contract with the Municipality is signed yearly;
h) Ensure that the Association’s Rules of Operation are being administered.
i) Review yearly, with the Director of Community Services, the ice subsidy received by the Association;
j) Oversee Development The President is to represent the Association at all functions, which are in the interest of the Association.

If unable to attend, they may appoint a member of the Executive to act on their behalf.

2nd VP - HL / LL Hockey Convener

In the absence of the President and the Vice President for Rep Hockey (1st VP), the Vice President for HL/LL Hockey (2nd VP) shall have and exercise the powers of the President. His/her specific duties shall be to:

a) Oversee the operation of the local league teams;
b) Present to the Executive for approval, a list of Coaches for all local league teams;
c) Identify the ice time requirements to the Director of Ice Scheduling;
d) Keep record of all costs directly associated with operating local league to be used by the Budget Committee to establish next seasons operating budget;
e) Act as Executive contact for all bills associated with local league teams. Forward all bills to the Treasurer for approval and payment at monthly Executive meeting.

Treasurer The Treasurer shall:

a) Keep a record of all monies received and disbursed, deposit all monies in the bank, and make all disbursements by cheque, countersigned by the President or Secretary;
b) Prepare a monthly statement of receipts, disbursements, outstanding bills, and bank balance;
c) Pay all bills following Executive approval. Each bill must detail the reason and the amount of each expenditure; d) Prepare the annual budget in co-operation with the members of the Budget Committee;
e) Present for each Annual General Meeting a financial statement covering the year's operation.Director of Registration

The Director of Registration shall:
a) Be responsible for the registration of all SSMHA players;
b) Provide the Vice Presidents of Rep, HL/LL & Girls Hockey, Treasurer, and Secretary with up-to-date lists of registered players;
c) Provide the Director of U9 and Below with up-to-date lists of registered U7,U8 & U9 players.
d) Provide an estimate of the upcoming season’s registration to be used by the Budget Committee to establish an initial budget in order to determine registration rates;
e) Be responsible for SSMHA online registration coordination and in-person registrations in Saugeen Shores and at the Saugeen First Nation as required;
f) Oversee rostering of teams & officials.

Director of Public Relations
The Director of Public Relations shall:
a) Co-ordinate the submission of newspaper articles and the posting of bulletins at the arena;
b) Act as a liaison with the local media in order to obtain the best possible coverage for any SSMHA activities;
c) Post on the web site and email to the members the notice of the Annual General Meeting no later than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting;
d) Be generally responsible for the Association website; ensuring all Sponsors are up-to-date, granting access for teams, posting notifications, etc.
e) Create and maintain annual email distribution lists
f) Maintain Social Media channels.

Director of U9 and Below

The Director of U9 and Below shall:

a) Be the single point of contact with the U7 Coordinator (Initiation Program)
b) Liaise with the Registrar to roster players and coaches appropriately for all U9 and below teams.
c) Facilitate player evaluation and appropriate rostering for U7 (Initiation Program), U8 (Minor Novice) and U9 (Major Novice) Programs.
d) Coordinate, track and develop on ice volunteers through the introductory U7 (Initiation Program).
e) Ensure adequate bench staff and encourage development of coaching volunteers through the introductory U7 (Initiation Program).
f) Coordinate with 1st VP Rep Hockey regarding matters pertaining to U9 Rep.
g) Coordinate with 2nd VP Local League regarding matters pertaining to U9 Local League and U8 Local League teams.
h) Liaise with the 3rd VP of Girls Hockey to assist in the coordination of the OWHA U9 and Below programming.
i) Maintain communication with the U9 and Below general membership
j) Organize year end banquet for U7 (Initiation Program)
k) Manage appropriate jersey and equipment requirements (boards, pucks, nets, goalie equipment) with Equipment Manager and/or Jersey Committee.
l) Liaise with OMHA center contact on OMHA implementation guidelines and requirements as they pertain to half-ice hockey.

1st VP - Rep Hockey Convener

In the absence of the President, the 1st VP - Rep Hockey Convener shall have and exercise the powers of the President. His/her specific duties shall be to:

a) Oversee the operation of the Rep teams;
b) Present to the Executive for approval, a list of recommended Coaches for the Rep teams;
c) Identify the ice time requirements to the Director of Ice Scheduling;
d) Be the official appointed representative (i.e., town contact) to the OMHA and the WOAA;
e) Be the official liaison between the SSMHA and Junior Hockey Clubs;
f) Keep record of all costs directly associated with operating Rep teams to be used by the Budget Committee to establish the following season's operating budget;
g) Act as Executive contact for all bills associated with Rep teams. Forward all bills to the Treasurer for approval and payment at monthly Executive meetings;
h) Administer the discipline process for players and team officials as per the Association’s Rules of Operation.

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